March 16, 2023

11 Things We Learned about M&A by Interviewing Christian Haack

11 Things We Learned about M&A  by Interviewing Christian Haack

11 Things We Learned about M&A by Interviewing Christian Haack E105: Watch Here


Here is what my team and I learned from this interview: (These are notes from team members, writers, sometimes AI, and even listeners who submitted what i learned loosely edited and shared here) - If it seems a bit unrefined, you're reading our notes, so. yeah. -Ron


Concept 1: Climb the Entrepreneurial Triangle

Christian has a concept called "the entrepreneurial triangle". It is a concept that is often used to describe the three main components of success in business: money, effort, and time. Money is a key factor in any business venture, as it is necessary to invest in resources and materials in order to build a successful business. Effort is also necessary to make sure that the business is managed properly and that it is growing in the right direction. Finally, time is necessary to ensure that the business is able to reach its goals and objectives.

The entrepreneurial triangle is a concept that can be used to help entrepreneurs understand the importance of balancing these three components in order to achieve success. Money is important to invest in resources and materials, but if it is not managed properly, it can lead to financial difficulties. Similarly, effort is necessary to ensure that the business is managed properly, but if it is not managed properly, it can lead to a lack of progress. Finally, time is necessary to ensure that the business is able to reach its goals and objectives, but if it is not managed properly, it can lead to a lack of progress.

In order to climb the entrepreneurial triangle, entrepreneurs must be able to properly balance these three components. It is important to understand that money, effort, and time are all necessary to achieve success, but they must be managed properly in order to ensure that the business is able to reach its goals and objectives. It is also important to understand that the entrepreneurial triangle is not a static concept, as the balance between these three components can change over time.

In order to climb the entrepreneurial triangle, entrepreneurs must be able to identify the areas in which they need to invest their money, effort, and time. They must also be able to identify the areas in which they can focus on in order to maximize their efforts and ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives. Finally, entrepreneurs must be able to identify the areas in which they can focus on in order to maximize their efforts and ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in a timely manner.

Climbing the entrepreneurial triangle is a difficult process, but it is possible. By understanding the importance of balancing money, effort, and time, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives. By understanding the importance of properly managing these three components, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in a timely manner. Finally, by understanding the

Concept 2: Invest In Yourself To Succeed

In order to reach success, entrepreneurs must understand the importance of investing in themselves. Investing in yourself can take many forms, including taking the time to learn about the industry in which you are operating, taking the time to network with other entrepreneurs and industry professionals, and taking the time to develop your skills and knowledge. By investing in yourself, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach their goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Finally, entrepreneurs must understand the importance of having an ultimate goal or “exit” strategy. By understanding the importance of having an ultimate goal or “exit” strategy, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible. Having an ultimate goal or “exit” strategy can also help entrepreneurs to build financial freedom and to monetize their achievements.

Concept 3: Prove Integration Capability

  When it comes to proving integration capability to potential private equity firms, entrepreneurs should focus on providing leverage to their businesses. Leverage is the most critical factor when it comes to buying a real estate location or investing in a business. To achieve a 100 million dollar exit, entrepreneurs should focus on reaching a certain threshold in revenue. There are tiers in multiples paid for businesses, by knowing your industries multiples at each tier, you are better equipped for maximizing an exit. 

In addition to providing leverage, entrepreneurs should also focus on providing two to three years of consecutive numbers that show how their business is doing. The last three years is standard.  This will demonstrate to potential private equity firms that the business is structured to implement or integrate acquisitions. This is important for investors as they are looking for businesses that are already well-integrated and working together. 

Finally, entrepreneurs should also focus on doing a “perfect partner profiling”. This means that entrepreneurs should not approach 100 investors by just pitching their business. Instead, they should focus on researching and understanding what private equity firms are looking for. By doing this, entrepreneurs can position their business in a way that is attractive to potential investors. 

Overall, entrepreneurs should focus on proving integration capability to potential private equity firms in order to increase their chances of success. By providing enough leverage, providing two to three years of consecutive numbers, and doing a “perfect partner profiling”, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 4: No Money Acquisition Deals Are dumb.

Christian believes no money acquisition deals are dumb. This is not only because they are difficult to execute, but also because they are not beneficial for either the buyer or the seller. For the buyer, it means that they are taking on a business without any capital or resources, and without any assurance that the business will be successful. Christian states that often, the buyer also has no control over the business, and may not be able to make the necessary changes to make the business profitable. For the seller, it means that they are not able to get the full value of their business, and may not receive any compensation for the hard work they have put into the business.

The idea of buying a business with no money down is often appealing to entrepreneurs. After all, who wouldn’t want to get a business with no upfront costs? However, this is not always the best option. In the podcast, the speaker warns against this type of deal. He explains that if someone doesn’t have the expertise to run the business, they will likely fail. The speaker also explains that if someone takes on a no money down deal, they are taking on a great risk. If they fail, they could lose all their assets, including their house and car. 

In order for an acquisition to be successful, the buyer must have a clear vision for the business and a plan for how to make it successful. This means that the buyer must have a proven track record of acquiring and integrating businesses, as well as a team in place to help with the transition. The buyer must also be able to leverage the resources of the business they are acquiring in order to maximize their profits.

The best way for entrepreneurs to ensure that they are able to successfully acquire a business is to focus on proving their integration capability to potential private equity firms. This means showing the private equity firm that they are ready to take on the business and that they have a proven track record of successfully integrating and scaling businesses. It also means showing the private equity firm that they have the necessary resources and expertise to make the business successful.

In conclusion, no money acquisition deals are not beneficial for either the buyer or the seller. Entrepreneurs should focus on proving integration capability to potential private equity firms in order to increase their chances of success. By providing enough leverage, providing two to three years of consecutive numbers, and doing a “perfect partner profiling”, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 5:  Know Your Expertise

Entrepreneurs should demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge to integrate the company into their own business. They should also provide two to three years of consecutive numbers in order to demonstrate that they have the financial stability to make the purchase. Finally, they should do a “perfect partner profiling” in order to ensure that the buyer is the best fit for them. 

Overall, entrepreneurs should be aware of their expertise before taking on a deal. They should also focus on proving integration capability to buyers in order to increase their chances of success. By doing this, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 6:  Sell Business Quickly for Maximum Exit

The idea of selling a business quickly for maximum exit is a popular one among entrepreneurs. This is because it allows them to maximize their return on investment and receive a large amount of money in a short period of time. However, it is important to understand the risks associated with this strategy. It is important to understand the potential buyers, their motivations, and the timeline of the sale. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the complexities of the market and the potential for the deal to fail. 

When considering whether to sell a business quickly for maximum exit, entrepreneurs should also consider the potential costs associated with the sale. These costs can include legal fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the sale. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the potential for the sale to fail. This could mean that the entrepreneur loses their investment, or that the sale fails to generate the expected return on investment.

The most important factor to consider when selling a business quickly for maximum exit is the potential buyers. Entrepreneurs should research potential buyers and understand their motivations. This can help entrepreneurs determine the best way to structure the deal and ensure the maximum return on investment. Additionally, entrepreneurs should consider the timeline of the sale and ensure that they are able to close the deal within the desired timeframe.

Entrepreneurs should consider the potential for the sale to fail. This can include the potential for the sale to fail due to market conditions, the potential for the buyer to back out of the deal, or the potential for the sale to fail due to legal or other issues. It is important to understand the potential for failure and be prepared for it.

Overall, entrepreneurs should be aware of the risks associated with selling a business quickly for maximum exit. They should also focus on proving integration capability to potential private equity firms in order to increase their chances of success. By doing this, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 7: Design, Invest, Scale, Sell, Profit

Designing a business is an important factor in creating a successful venture. As a business designer, entrepreneurs must be able to identify complementary services and competitive companies to increase market share and profits. They should also be aware of the need to leverage existing businesses to create a stronger, more profitable business. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to make use of private equity firms in order to increase the value of their business.

Investing in a business is another important factor in creating a successful venture. Private equity firms are often the best option for entrepreneurs looking to make a large return on their investments. Private equity firms are able to increase the value of a business by investing in it and leveraging its resources in order to increase profits. Additionally, private equity firms are often able to provide entrepreneurs with the capital they need to scale their business.

Once a business has been designed and invested in, entrepreneurs should focus on scaling it in order to maximize their profits. This can be done by acquiring distributors, suppliers, and other businesses that can help to increase the value of the business. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to increase their market share in order to increase their profits.

Finally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to sell their business in order to maximize their profits. By selling their business to a private equity firm or other investors, entrepreneurs can maximize their profits and ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to cascade their wealth in order to ensure that their wealth is not locked in one business. By doing this, entrepreneurs can ensure that their wealth is spread across multiple investments and businesses.

In conclusion, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to design, invest, scale, and sell their business in order to maximize their profits. By leveraging private equity firms, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to cascade their wealth in order to ensure that their wealth is spread across multiple investments and businesses. By doing this, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 8: Build Sellable Assets

One of the most important aspects of building a sellable asset is having a professional and digital accounting system. This system should be able to provide investors and banks with all the necessary information regarding the company’s financials in a quick and efficient manner. Additionally, entrepreneurs should invest in a well-known customer relationship management (CRM) system that is easy to integrate with other systems. This will make it easier for the company to access its clients’ data and will save time on the integration process.

Another essential aspect of building a sellable asset is automating and digitizing processes. This will make the business more scalable and will free up time for employees to focus on other tasks. Additionally, entrepreneurs should be aware of the need to get themselves off the organizational chart and create automated process decision chains in order to ensure that the business is not dependent on them.

Finally, entrepreneurs should focus on activities and measures that leverage and have an impact on the bottom line. This includes looking at key performance indicators (KPIs) such as the number of leads, the conversion rate, the average revenue per customer, and the time it takes to convert a lead. Additionally, entrepreneurs should look to create multiple revenue streams, document almost everything, and build desirable and sellable assets. By doing this, entrepreneurs can ensure that their business is able to reach its goals and objectives in the most efficient way possible.

Concept 9 Track Performance Metrics

Tracking performance metrics is essential for entrepreneurs who want to make sure that their business is running as smoothly as possible. Performance metrics help entrepreneurs to understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing them to make decisions that are based on data rather than instinct. By tracking performance metrics, entrepreneurs can identify areas where their business could be improved, such as increasing the number of leads or improving the conversion rate. Additionally, tracking performance metrics can help entrepreneurs to identify areas of the business where they may need to invest more resources.

 Tracking performance metrics also helps entrepreneurs to understand how their business is performing. By looking at the numbers, entrepreneurs can identify trends, such as whether sales are increasing or decreasing, or whether the average revenue per customer is increasing or decreasing. This information is invaluable for entrepreneurs who want to make sure that their business is on track and that they are making the right decisions. Additionally, tracking performance metrics can help entrepreneurs to identify potential opportunities, such as new markets or products, that they may not have considered before.

 Ultimately, tracking performance metrics is essential for entrepreneurs who want to make sure that their business is running as efficiently and effectively as possible. By tracking performance metrics, entrepreneurs can identify areas of improvement, understand how their business is performing, and identify potential opportunities. Additionally, tracking performance metrics can help entrepreneurs to make decisions that are based on data rather than instinct, allowing them to make the most informed decisions possible.

Concept 10: Maximize Business Value When Selling

When it comes to maximizing business value when selling, tracking performance metrics is just the beginning. Business owners must also ensure that they have a strong understanding of the market they are selling in and the current state of the industry. Additionally, they should be aware of the competitive landscape and understand what potential buyers may be looking for in a business. This knowledge can help them to better position their business and maximize its value when selling.

Moreover, business owners should consider the importance of their own ego when it comes to selling their business. While it may be difficult to let go of a business that they have poured their heart and soul into, it is important to recognize that selling a business can be a great opportunity to make a significant return on their investment. Additionally, business owners should consider the potential to use the proceeds from the sale of their business to help others in need.

Finally, business owners should also consider the importance of working with a professional when selling their business. Working with a professional can help business owners to better understand the market, identify potential buyers, and negotiate a sale that maximizes the value of their business. Additionally, a professional can help to ensure that the sale process is as smooth and efficient as possible.

In conclusion, maximizing business value when selling can be a challenging but rewarding process. By tracking performance metrics, understanding the market and competitive landscape, considering the importance of their own ego, and working with a professional, business owners can ensure that they get the most out of their business when selling.

Concept 11: Plan for Ultimate Payday

For many business owners, the ultimate payday is not just about the money, but the freedom that comes with it. After selling a business, business owners can take the money and invest it in new opportunities, pursue passions, or even retire. To ensure that they get the most out of their business when selling, business owners should start planning for the ultimate payday early on.

The first step in preparing for the ultimate payday is to track performance metrics. By tracking key performance indicators, business owners can identify areas of improvement and maximize the value of the business when it comes time to sell. Business owners should also understand the market and competitive landscape. Knowing the current market conditions and what other similar businesses are selling for will help business owners get the most out of their business when selling.

In addition to tracking performance metrics and understanding the market, business owners should also consider the importance of their own ego. Many business owners are emotionally attached to their business and can make decisions that are not in their best interests. It is important to remember that the ultimate payday is not about the money, but the freedom that comes with it.

Finally, business owners should consider working with a professional. A professional can help business owners prepare the business for sale, identify potential buyers, and negotiate the best deal. Working with a professional can help business owners maximize the value of their business when selling.

Overall, the ultimate payday is a life-changing event that can provide business owners with the freedom to pursue their passions and invest in new opportunities. By tracking performance metrics, understanding the market and competitive landscape, considering the importance of their own ego, and working with a professional, business owners can ensure that they get the most out of their business when selling.



For investors passionate about business acquisition and anyone interested in buying a company to strategically expand, selling/exiting, or driving up your valuation, the new Acquisition Aficionado Magazine is a must-have resource. As a reader of How2Exit, you can click here to get a complimentary copy of Issue 4 featuring content from Ronald Skelton and many other M&A pros.

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