Oct. 23, 2023

How to Build a Successful Business: Insights from an Investor, Entrepreneur, and Mindset Coach

How to Build a Successful Business: Insights from an Investor, Entrepreneur, and Mindset Coach

E152: Austin Linney, Investor and Entrepreneur, Discusses Buying and Growing Businesses Watch Here:


Here is what my team and I learned from this interview: (These are notes from team members, writers, sometimes AI, and even listeners who submitted what i learned loosely edited and shared here) - If it seems a bit unrefined, you're reading our notes, so. yeah. -Ron


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About The Guest(s):
Austin Linney is an investor, entrepreneur, and mindset coach. He has a background in real estate and currently owns a heat and air, plumbing, and electrical company. Austin is passionate about helping others and believes in the power of mindset to achieve success.

In this episode, Ronald Skelton interviews Austin Linney, an investor, entrepreneur, and mindset coach. Austin shares his personal journey from addiction and homelessness to building a successful business. He emphasizes the importance of mindset and taking ownership of one's life. Austin also discusses his experience in the heat and air, plumbing, and electrical industry and the challenges and opportunities it presents. He provides valuable insights into building a successful business and the importance of treating employees well.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mindset is crucial for success in business and life.
  • Taking ownership of one's life and choices is essential for personal growth.
  • Building a successful business requires a calm mindset and the ability to adapt to challenges.
  • Treating employees well and creating a positive work environment is key to success.
  • Leveraging opportunities and being open to new possibilities can lead to growth and success.


  • "Mindset is everything. It's the foundation for success in business and life." - Austin Linney
  • "Taking ownership of your life and choices is the first step towards personal growth and success." - Austin Linney
  • "Treating employees well and creating a positive work environment is crucial for building a successful business." - Austin Linney

The Article: 

How to Build a Successful Business: Insights from an Investor, Entrepreneur, and Mindset Coach


In today's fast-paced business world, it can be challenging to navigate the complexities of buying and selling businesses. That's why it's crucial to learn from industry leaders who have successfully gone through the process. In this article, we will explore the insights and experiences of Austin Linney, an investor, entrepreneur, and mindset coach. Through his journey, we will uncover valuable lessons on how to build a successful business, overcome obstacles, and develop a winning mindset.

The Power of Mindset

One of the key takeaways from Austin Linney's story is the importance of mindset in achieving success. Linney's early life was marked by personal struggles, addiction, and a victim mentality. However, he realized that his mindset was holding him back from reaching his full potential. Through the guidance of mentors and personal development work, Linney transformed his mindset and took ownership of his life.

Linney emphasizes the power of borrowing belief from others until you believe in yourself. He shares a quote from a coach that resonated with him: "Sometimes you don't love yourself enough to change, so you have to borrow the belief in others until you believe it in yourself." This mindset shift allowed Linney to overcome his past and start building a successful business.

The Journey to Buying a Business

Linney's journey into the world of business acquisitions began when he decided to transition from real estate to buying cash-flowing businesses. He recognized the limitations and challenges of the real estate market, particularly in dealing with lenders and investors. Linney and his team made a strategic decision to become the bank by acquiring cash-flowing businesses and using the profits to invest in other ventures like storage facilities and rentals.

One of the businesses Linney acquired was a heat and air, plumbing, and electrical company. He saw the potential in the company, which had been in operation for 25 years and had a strong presence in the local market. However, he also identified areas for improvement, such as implementing a CRM system and streamlining operations. By making these changes, Linney aimed to increase efficiency, expand the customer base, and ultimately grow the business.

Navigating the Challenges of the Construction Industry

The construction industry, including heat and air, plumbing, and electrical services, presents unique challenges for business owners. Linney highlights the importance of understanding the culture and dynamics of the industry, particularly in trades-based businesses. He shares that the construction industry can be rough and demanding, requiring a calm mindset and strong leadership to navigate successfully.

One of the key challenges in the construction industry is managing the cyclical nature of the business. Linney explains that heat and air, plumbing, and electrical services are often in high demand during extreme weather conditions, such as freezing cold or scorching heat. However, there are also periods of slower business, which can impact cash flow and profitability. Linney's approach to addressing this challenge is to focus on building maintenance programs and expanding into new markets to ensure a steady stream of work throughout the year.

The Power of Customer Service and Reputation

In the construction industry, reputation and customer service are paramount. Linney emphasizes the importance of providing exceptional service and going above and beyond for customers. He shares a story of a customer who expected the company to take weeks to address their issue, but Linney's team responded immediately and resolved the problem the next day. This level of service not only impressed the customer but also created a positive reputation in the community.

Linney also recognizes the significance of word-of-mouth marketing in the construction industry. By delivering exceptional service and building strong relationships with customers, businesses can generate referrals and attract new clients. He encourages business owners to focus on building trust and providing value to customers, as this will ultimately lead to long-term success.

The Value of Community Engagement

Community engagement is another key aspect of building a successful business, particularly in smaller towns and rural areas. Linney shares his experience of getting involved in the local community by sponsoring events, supporting charities, and participating in clean-up initiatives. By actively engaging with the community, businesses can establish themselves as trusted and reliable partners, which can lead to increased brand awareness and customer loyalty.

Linney also highlights the importance of being a resource for the community. He encourages business owners to be open to helping others, even if it doesn't directly benefit their bottom line. By being a source of support and assistance, businesses can build strong relationships and foster a positive reputation within the community.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, Austin Linney's journey as an investor, entrepreneur, and mindset coach provides valuable insights into building a successful business. From the power of mindset to navigating the challenges of the construction industry, Linney's experiences offer valuable lessons for aspiring business owners.

By adopting a growth mindset, focusing on customer service, and actively engaging with the community, businesses can create a solid foundation for long-term success. Additionally, embracing opportunities for personal and professional development can help business owners overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

As the business landscape continues to evolve, it is essential for entrepreneurs to stay adaptable and open to new opportunities. By leveraging the power of mindset, customer service, and community engagement, businesses can thrive in any industry and create a positive impact on their customers and communities.

Looking ahead, Austin Linney's future outlook is centered around building cash-flowing businesses and investing in real estate ventures. By leveraging his expertise and experience, Linney aims to continue making a difference in the lives of others and creating a legacy of success.

Remember, success is not just about financial gain but also about making a positive impact on the world around us. With the right mindset and a commitment to excellence, anyone can achieve their goals and build a thriving business.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards building your successful business today!

Note: This article is based on the insights and experiences of Austin Linney as shared in the "How to Exit" podcast. All quotes and information are taken directly from the podcast transcript.


Contact Austin on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/austin-li... Website: https://austinlinney.com/


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