Nov. 12, 2023

The Importance of Building Relationships in Business Deals with David Green

The Importance of Building Relationships in Business Deals with David Green

E158: The Importance of Building Relationships in Business Deals with David Green -Watch Here




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About The Guest(s): David Green is an investor and entrepreneur with a portfolio of seven different businesses. He is known for his expertise in buying, growing, and selling companies. David is passionate about building relationships and emphasizes the importance of rapport and connection in business deals.

Summary: David Green emphasizes the importance of building relationships and rapport in business deals. He believes that actively listening and showing genuine interest in others is more important than any Excel spreadsheet or business strategy. David shares his personal experiences of successfully closing deals by focusing on the needs and goals of the other party. He encourages individuals to be authentic, humble, and curious in their interactions, as this can lead to stronger connections and successful business transactions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building rapport and establishing a connection with others is crucial in business deals.
  • Actively listening and showing genuine interest in others can increase the probability of successful deals.
  • Focusing on the needs and goals of the other party is more important than showcasing one's own expertise.
  • Being authentic, humble, and curious can lead to stronger relationships and successful business transactions.


  • "Focus on your interpersonal skills because that is more important than any Excel spreadsheet."
  • "People sell to people, so be the best version of yourself and genuinely care about others."
  • "Asking questions is a powerful tool in building rapport and understanding the needs of the other party."
  • "Establishing trust and credibility is essential in business deals, and it starts with genuine interest in the other person."


The Power of Building Rapport and Asking Questions in Business Deals

In this article, we will explore the importance of building rapport and asking questions in business deals. We will delve into the insights shared by David Green, an investor and entrepreneur, as he emphasizes the significance of relationship-building and active listening in the world of mergers and acquisitions. Through verbatim quotes from a podcast transcript, we will analyze the implications of these strategies and their potential impact on business success.


Building successful business relationships and closing deals requires more than just numbers and financial analysis. It requires the ability to connect with people on a deeper level, understand their needs and motivations, and establish trust and credibility. David Green, an experienced investor and entrepreneur, highlights the importance of building rapport and asking questions in the process of doing deals. In this article, we will explore the insights shared by Green and analyze the implications of these strategies in the world of mergers and acquisitions.

The Power of Rapport and Active Listening

Green emphasizes the significance of building rapport and establishing a genuine connection with the people involved in a business deal. He believes that the most important aspect of the deal-making process is missing in many cases – the ability to effectively communicate and connect with others. Green compares this to personal relationships, where genuine interest and connection are crucial for success.

"The most important thing in this whole process is missing. People have the documents, the tips, the resources, but what they lack is the ability to communicate and establish a connection. Just talking to somebody is a massive problem that stops people from turning an opportunity into a potential deal." - David Green

Green suggests that actively listening and showing genuine interest in others is a vital skill in the business world. By asking questions and allowing others to share their thoughts and experiences, one can gain valuable insights and establish a strong foundation for a successful business relationship.

"Just ask questions because you know something, people are smart. People know the answers. They might lack ambition or resources, but that doesn't take away from their intelligence and resourcefulness. Just ask questions and let them show you their credibility and credentials." - David Green

The Art of Active Listening

Green draws parallels between active listening and the game of backgammon, which he has been playing for over 40 years. He highlights the importance of probabilities and strategies in increasing the chances of success in both backgammon and business deals. By actively listening and asking the right questions, one can improve their probability of closing a successful deal.

"If it's a really hard thing to do, any strategy you can use to increase your chances of doing a deal is better than not taking those opportunities and taking advantage of it." - David Green

Green encourages individuals to focus on their interpersonal skills and be the best version of themselves. He believes that genuine interest in others and the ability to establish a connection are more important than any spreadsheet or financial analysis.

Empowering Others and Fostering Autonomy

Green shares his approach to managing businesses and empowering his team. He believes in asking questions and allowing his team members to take ownership of their work. By giving them the freedom to make decisions and encouraging their ideas, he creates a culture of autonomy and accountability.

"If all you do is ask questions to your team, you'll have a team of individuals that are fighting for you and will die for you. They'll literally run through a brick wall for you." - David Green

Green emphasizes the importance of humility and authenticity in leadership. He believes that leaders should focus on actively listening to their team members and asking questions to understand their needs and aspirations. By doing so, leaders can create a sense of trust and loyalty within their teams.

The Impact of Building Rapport and Asking Questions

The strategies of building rapport and asking questions have a significant impact on business deals and relationships. By establishing a genuine connection and actively listening to others, individuals can gain valuable insights, understand the needs and motivations of the other party, and build trust and credibility.

"People do business with people. The ability to connect and establish a genuine relationship is crucial in the world of mergers and acquisitions. By actively listening and showing genuine interest, one can create a strong foundation for successful deals." - David Green

These strategies not only increase the chances of closing a deal but also foster long-term relationships and collaboration. By understanding the needs and aspirations of the other party, individuals can tailor their approach and create win-win situations.

Conclusion and Future Outlook

In conclusion, the power of building rapport and asking questions in business deals cannot be underestimated. The ability to connect with others, actively listen, and understand their needs and motivations is crucial for success in the world of mergers and acquisitions. By focusing on interpersonal skills, humility, and authenticity, individuals can create strong relationships, foster autonomy within their teams, and increase the probability of closing successful deals. As the business landscape continues to evolve, the importance of these strategies will only grow, making them essential skills for any aspiring entrepreneur or investor.

Note: This article is based on verbatim quotes from a podcast transcript featuring David Green, an investor and entrepreneur. The insights and opinions expressed in this article are those of the speaker and do not necessarily reflect the views of the author.




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